Large Microwave Heating Pad Shrug, Neck Shoulder Cape Hot or Cold Pack

Microwave Heating Pad is a large shrug to fit around neck and shoulders and down the back. This is our mid range size between standard and extra large. The shrug can be used hot or cold for much needed pain relief.

Filled with rice and flax, the Large Neck Shoulder Heating Pad measures approximately 28" x 16". It has 14 separate sewn in sections to evenly distribute the heat and cold source. Pad can be used warm from the microwave or as a cold pack when stored in the freezer.

Customers Say...

"Very well made heat pack. Great to heat up in the microwave and very effective with delivering moist heat."

"Love this! It's perfect for my neck & back! The material is wonderful too. Thank you!"

"I got this for my girlfriend who has a lot of neck and shoulder pain. She said she loves it! Very well made, soft, smells great. Awesome gift!"

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